- In August I usually wrote 100-200 words on days that I wrote, with 3 days over 200, highest 265.
- In September about half the days were over 200, some over 300, and the highest was 896.
- In October... things got a bit more scattershot, but 200 was a baseline I dipped under only once, and I had 2 days over 1000 plus one day over 2000 words.
The next thing I want to work on is a bit more steering what I write, because the last few weeks it was all on one particular fanfic story I'm not confortable starting to share yet. I'd like to get back into writing flashfics that I can post on my website.
Writing yet more would also be nice, so I'm tempted to raise my goal higher than 200 words per day on 5+ days a week, but on the other hand I'd also like to get back into drawing stuff I want to post online.
That makes my goals for November:
- Write at least 1000 new words of rough draft per week.
- Spend at least 20 minutes of editing or plotting/planning per week.
- Work on something non-fanfic at least once per week.