29 Dec 2004
That was one annoying elf

Liraifaerdeon Blackbark often had been told that it's a bad idea to offend wizards.
He never believed it, right until the moment after he called this mage a 'garden gnome'.
This image happened because Candy was looking for images for a 'cookie' tour. There was the ever-present idea of a cookie with elf ears, but on its own that was a bit boring.
Those runes on the wizard's robe in his world probably show which guild of wizards he belongs to, but by pure coincidence it looks like something written in my attempt at S?tterlin script, and reads 'I really look like a weird garden gnome' ;)
Ink on paper, greytones in PhotoImpact
Tags: GalleryDigitalSoft ShadingCartoonGroupsNo ColourGreyscaleFantasyRandom WorksInanimateObjectsBaked GoodsFoodstuffMagicTransformationNo BackgroundYear 2004
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