11 Jul 2008

I wanted to draw something small and cute. Many thanks to Mutt for the idea, including that for the trail of smoke.
2.5 by 3.5 inces, meaning it's an ATC/ACEO.
Stabilo fineliners for the bird?s outlines, Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens for the base colour of the twogs, Copic Ciao for the base colouring of the bird and sky, colour pencils for the plumage and glow and shading, white ink for highlights.
Tags: GalleryColour PencilsPensMarkersDrawingsMixed MediaSingle FiguresSmall FormatACEOsColourMixed ColourFantasyRandom WorksAnimalsFictional AnimalsBirdsPhoenixesOther BeingsElementalsOutsideYear 2008
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