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17 Dec 2014

Tiger's Eye

Setting: real world, presumably Genre: Slice of life, Humour Summary: Tigers need protection, definitely. Notes: prompted by Becky and Stefan Words: 100


“I will write to the city, and all local and regional newspapers, at least. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll hit the TV stations. It’s a disgrace!”


“It’s animal cruelty. It’s a horrendous waste. It would be horrid even if tigers were not endangered.”

“Moira, listen to me—”

“I will make people listen to me! How can they just ignore it!?”

“Moira, tiger’s eye is not made of eyes of tigers. It’s just a stone called like that.”

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me. You’ve seen the remnants of my mineral collection, I was really into rocks as a kid.”

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