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09 May 2013



The outlander had agreed to the precautions Haisa wanted for their meeting. Satisfied, she retrieved the carved box that held what he sought, and opened it with a flourish.

His eyes, so far shining with excitement, went dull, and his shoulders sagged.

“It’s what you seek. Hair of Qilin!"

“Oh, I don’t doubt that, pardon me. It’s just that I need much more. To stuff a quilt.”

“Whatever for?” Haisa knew many uses for the potent ingredient; why waste it?

“If you slept under it, you would never get sick.”

Haisa wrinkled her nose. “Well, you buy? It’s a start.”

I'm way behind schedule in the April A to Z challenge, but I'm not stopping now. The prompt "quest" came from Lyn Thorne-Alder, "quilt" from Nita, and "Qilin", "Quantity", and "Quack" from Herm Baskerville.

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