Content tagged "humanoids"
Nico is squatting on the edge of a box and saying "you could draw other people, you know?"
Portrait of a young woman drawn in yellow and red feltpen
Portrait of an elf drawn in light and dark blue feltpen
I have Houseplants
Sketch of myself standing at my window. There are several potted flowers on the windowsill.
I'm an Elf
Sketch of myself as an elf, with long, pointed ears. I am holding a flower.
I'm Flying! :D
Sketch of myself as a witch with a pointy black hat. I'm sitting in a hollowed-out giant pumpkin ald fllying over a forest.
I'm Gardening
Sketch of myself planting something in a garden.
I'm riding a giant mantis
Sketch of myself riding a giant praying mantis.
Space Walk
Sketch of an astronaut on a spacewalk.