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Content tagged "fictional_plants"

Made-up Plant species

Watercolour pencil image of a tiger lily with stripes rather than spots
Watercolour pencil image of a tiger lily with stripes rather than spots

Tiger Lily

Watercolour pencil image of a tiger lily with stripes rather than spots
Work in progress of a drawing showing an orange lily with narrow petals.
Work in progress of a drawing showing an orange lily with narrow petals.

Tiger Lily WIP

Work in progress of a drawing showing an orange lily with narrow petals.
Pencil drawing of three seeds with a ridged texture from which black smoke or fog rises.
Pencil drawing of three seeds with a ridged texture from which black smoke or fog rises.

Sorrow Seeds

Pencil drawing of three seeds with a ridged texture from which black smoke or fog rises.
A dark knot of matter lies half-submerged in water. Leafless vines with openings containing teeth at their end grow from it.
A dark knot of matter lies half-submerged in water. Leafless vines with openings containing teeth at their end grow from it.

A very unpleasant plant

A dark knot of matter lies half-submerged in water. Leafless vines with openings containing teeth at their end grow from it.