Content tagged "drawings"
Princess of Firefairies
Full figure drawing of a fire fairy
A preserver is annoying an elf
Tleakee and Tic
A small humanoid is on an urban hunt together with her pet weasel.
Pencil portrait of a female elf with star-like rays in the irises of her eyes
Strange Encounter
Bearclaw and Blackfell meet Dogmatix
A pencil drawing (bust) of an elf with short, dark hair and a beard along the edge of his jaw.
Quick pencil portrait of Cutter, an elf with a fluffy short pony tail.
Joyleaf sitting at a window/entrance in a giant tree bole, looking out.
At the Window
Joyleaf sitting at a window/entrance in a giant tree bole, looking out at Bearclaw offering her a rose.