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Content tagged "eodea"

Pencil sketch portrait of a dryad. She has pointed ears and her hair resembles a mullet with grass on top of her head and willow foliage in the back.
Pencil sketch portrait of a dryad. She has pointed ears and her hair resembles a mullet with grass on top of her head and willow foliage in the back.


Pencil sketch portrait of a dryad. She has pointed ears and her hair resembles a mullet with grass on top of her head and willow foliage in the back.
Sketch of a man shown in profile, sitting on the ground with his arms crossed.
Sketch of a man shown in profile, sitting on the ground with his arms crossed.


Sketch of a man shown in profile, sitting on the ground with his arms crossed.



Counting Heads

Genre: Fantasy, Slice of Life
Notes: Based on the prompt “orc accountant” by Royce Day
Words: 286